Then and Now.

I had been updating my Mormon Profile this morning and was thinking about how different things can be in just a years time.  This was written before I turned 21 in China:  

About Me

I'm just another 20 year old who is just trying to find my place in this world. I work, learn, play, and grow. 
I may be searching for where I am going,  but I do know where I have been, and I know who I am. 
My name is Diana Linay Lopez Ruano. I'm half Mexican and half Guatemalan, born and raised in Salt Lake City, Utah. I'm the second of 8 siblings and yes, I am a "Mormon", a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Family. Friends. Religion. These I treasure above all else, even more so now that I am away from home. Very far as I am currently an English Teacher in ZhuZhou City, Hunan Province, China. A land where people smoke next to me in the elevator and stare at me because I'm a Wàiguó rén, a foreigner. A place where I'm almost alone in my particular beliefs and values. A strange place where I'm learning more than I ever have in all my years of school. 
I know I'm not particularly smart, tall, brave, or beautiful, but I try to be the best person I can be. One day at a time. I have plenty of mistakes yet to make and lessons to be learned from them. I'll take whatever comes my way. Hopefully one day I may return to the arms of a Heavenly Father who loves me for who I am; scars, bruises, and all. 

Why I am a Mormon

Since I was raised in SLC, UT, I grew accustomed to having the majority of my peers holding the same values and morals as I. It was easy to know that The Church was true because I was given confirmations of it every single day as I attended institute, firesides, family home evenings, and other activities (:with other Mormons:) 
It would be just as easy for me to denounce who I was raised to be now -considering I am in China where I'm the only Mormon for miles and miles. There is no one here to enforce any of the values that have grown so close to my heart. In fact, I am the odd one out since I alone turn down offerings of alcohol, cigarettes, etc. while everyone else takes it as a part of daily life It would be easy, but I simply cannot. I cannot forget the fact that I AM NOT ALONE. 
Even though I am far from home I know I have a Heavenly Father who is watching out for me. I feel his love even more now that I am facing this strange land all on my own than I did ever before. All my past trials and decisions have helped in making me the person that I am today. However weak and hesitant I am, I'm trying to become the person I need to be to keep moving on. To stand as a witness of my Savior, Jesus Christ, always. 
I continue to practice my faith because I have a testimony of its truthfulness. Believe me when I share my knowledge that Heavenly Father listens to our prayers! I know that I can count on His power and love as I face each day here in China. I know that even though I am the only one with my particular beliefs in this area, there are so many good people here on this earth and God loves each and every one of His children. He really does. Believe me when I say that this gospel is true.

How I live my faith

The Gospel in China is not just a simple commodity as it is in Utah, but oh it has become that much sweeter now that I recognize its value in my daily life. Each Sunday, I get to call a toll free number so that I can go to church! Well, listen to it at least:) I get to listen to our services over the phone. The Branch covers a large portion of China and I'm the only member in ZhuZhou, but it feels so good knowing that no matter where I am in the world, The Gospel remains steadfast and true! 
Even though I'm on the opposite side of the WORLD my family will be listening to the same Sunday School Lesson on the Book of Mormon in twelve hours when they go to church. You would think it would be hard to pay attention during our virtual meetings, listening for those few hours over the phone, but oh its not. Its like going to the temple after not being inside one for a long time -or eating ice cream after going on a diet haha- I love it! 
Listening to the words I know my Heavenly Father wants me to hear... Everything seems so real now that I need to work harder to keep my testimony firm so that I can keep the Holy Ghost with me at all times and try to make good decisions always. I go through my daily life. I teach, go to dinner with friends, shop for groceries, play my guitar, read, go to the gym, explore China... I do all of these things and I do them with a purpose. 
I know that other people are watching me since I am different because of my religion. Even though I can't share details of my faith with the locals, I can love them. I can serve them, smile with them, I can be a witness of Jesus Christ through my actions. I don't regret my decision in coming to China, It has helped me to really LIVE the gospel. Being alone has brought me to my knees in prayer more than ever before, it has made my scripture study all the more sweet because during those times I feel the love my Heavenly Father has for me and each one of His children here on earth.

It was good to re-read my past me's testimony.  Good to know who I was and know that I have changed a bit and grown a bit more.  In a years time I will be as different as anything.  I look forward to that day:)  


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