Home is where the heart is.

Whilst discussing things with my friend who recently moved to California she stated,  "I don't miss Utah,  I miss the people in Utah."  

That is what makes home a home,  the people.  If I could have brought my family and close friends to ZhuZhou,  I wouldn't have much of a reason to return to Utah,  except maybe the sunsets. :)  I know what it is like to leave home.  I know what it is like to open the door to an empty apartment and silence.  I know what it is like to miss people,  to miss the companionship of someone that loves you and you love them.  That has been my favorite part about being able to walk into my mother's home these past few months;  opening the door and falling to the ground in an overly dramatic death scene because Bryan just shot me down with a fake weapon,  or Bella telling me that she missed me,  or Steven just walking by and giving me a one-armed hug with food in the other hand before heading downstairs to his man cave.

 I don't spend a lot of time at home.  Honestly,  it has been really hard to be home.  It is hard to change lifestyles so drastically from one time period to another,  from one country to another,  from one mindset to another.  It is hard to be home because I know that I am leaving it again so soon.  Oh,  but to be home is a glorious thing.  Yesterday I asked Bella if she remembered when we would dance Banda together when she was really little and she lit up and held out her arms to me.  We danced together for the most blissful of moments.  That is what it is to be home.  I love my home.


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