Priesthood Power

Can't necessarily say that I like my Father.  Bit sad,  but true.  Years of arguments and broken promises have led to empty conversations and uncomfortable silences.  The only time that I actually missed my father while in China was when I wanted a priesthood blessing.

I needed one.  I needed the reassurance from Heavenly Father that can only come through the direct line of authority each priesthood holder has.  I missed it.  So much.

Oh,  to have the priesthood in my life...  I would have given anything.  I missed white shirts and ties.  I missed taking the sacrament.  I missed having the priesthood in my home and the blessings that come with one that holds the power of God here on earth.

Power.  I see my friends now,  worthy priesthood holders that are an example to all.  How easy it is here in Utah to see the famous 'garment line' and know,  just know that the particular individual is following what Heavenly Father needs them to do;  staying worthy and strong.

There are some people in this world that do good continually.  That try their hardest to improve and change each day.  There are some people that know what it is to suffer,  to be confused,  and lose their way.  There are some that have found their way again and use that knowledge to guide others.  That is what the Priesthood is to me.

It is Heavenly Father allowing us to help each other through him.  It is words of comfort in times of need.  It is healing.  It is peace.  It is the strength to listen if an answer is yes or no.  The Priesthood is everything,  walking hand in hand with motherhood and headed straight for eternity.

Throughout my life,  that is what I will strive for.  Not just a "Father" for my children,  I had one of those and they're really not all that they're cracked up to be.  No,  I'm looking for something much greater.

He who will give a healing blessing to a crying baby during the wee hours of the morning.

He who will baptize their eight-year-old after teaching them to have their own faith.

He who will stand tall and continue on the line of the priesthood to their son.

He who will forever be worthy,  able to bless the lives of others and their own.

Priesthood Power.  I will forever be grateful for thee.


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