Un Dia Entrare.
I remember my twelve year old self in a temple recommend interview with my Branch President at the time, answering questions and being nervous as anything. I remember entering the Jordan River Temple and trying to follow the instructions given so that people didn't notice that it was my first time! I remember the complete happiness I felt there. The peace of knowing that I was finally inside Heavenly Father's home and that it really was the most special place on earth. All dressed in white. All Heavenly Father's children. All loved and all standing in the most holy place I had ever entered.
Ohh the temple.
During my time in China I stood alone in my beliefs. It was the most difficult thing I had to do. I was constantly working on staying clean, keeping myself steeled against the appealing lures of the world. Even though the closest temple to me was in Hong Kong, I knew it was the most important thing to keep myself worthy to enter. And so I did. I said no, over and over I stopped and thought of my goals. I thought of my desire to serve a mission, I thought of the opportunity to enter the Hong Kong Temple would be lost if I lost my way.
Eight months into my time in China the opportunity finally arrived and after a 21 hour train ride, visa check, and getting lost on the metro, we were sought out by an angel of a brother who noticed we were traveling and asked us if he could help us get anywhere. We answered in the affirmative, that we were looking for the temple and he led us right to it. Right to the temple. Right to the place where I was home again.
I was finally home! The peace. The overwhelming love I felt towards me. The brothers and sisters in the temple were waiting for me, afraid that I was going to miss my appointment. I recognized that the temple was so small compared to the ones in Utah, yet the feeling of joy and love was so great. I was part of a family, a worldwide family that cared not that I was a lost soul and just needed to be back in His presence again, only that I was there and I was willing to do Heavenly Father's will. No matter how messed up and spotted from the world I was, I was there. In the temple.
I remember going to Oquirrh Mountain Temple with my twelve-year-old sister. It wasn't her first time entering, but it was our first time going together. I guided her along, explaining a few things and enjoyed knowing that we were doing good. I knew that we were helping others and building ourselves up as well. I had finally realized how important it is to go to the temple, not just be worthy. Since I spent so much time away from temples it killed me to see so many temples within just a half hour radius of hour home and know that people here didn't go as often as they could or should. WE ARE SO BLESSED. So blessed to be so close to these magnificent buildings!

Now that I have received my endowments and have taken the next step towards my eternal goals, I'm happy. I'm happy that even though I keep messing up and tripping and scrawling back up again, I know that this gospel is one of forgiveness. Heavenly Father wants us to return to Him and he knows that life is hard. He knows that we're silly and selfish. He knows that it is hard to trust and it is hard to forgive. He knows and He loves us still.
I am trying to keep learning, to keep growing, to apply myself every day, to be obedient and love Him and His children. I finally entered the temple. I committed myself to this work and I couldn't be more excited to move forward. I have A LOT of work to do. I need to learn. I need to understand. I need to go back to the temple and then return again. I LOVE THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST!!! I love the motivation it gives me to better myself and I love the fact that I can run to the temple and know that I am in His presence, that I can escape from the world for just a moment, one heavenly moment, and know that I am in His hands. It will all be okay.
And now for my next temple. Tokyo Japan.
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