Padre Celestial. Heavenly Father. I love you.

Dear Heavenly Father,

We've been through a lot,  you and I.  Before I came to this earth we discussed your plan and we found it to be good.  I came here and forgot just how wonderful that plan is.  Slowly,  you've been reminding me.  You've been teaching me.  You've been giving me all of the tools I need to progress and I am grateful.  

I am thankful Heavenly Father for the mercy you show me every day.  Thank you for giving me the trials I need to make myself strong.  You know better than anyone just how weak I am.  Just how powerless I feel at times and just how wrong I can be day to day.  

Father.  I need you now more than ever.  I need help becoming the woman,  the missionary,  the daughter,  the sister,  the leader you know I can be.  Who is she?  Who will I become?  It is all up to me,  but with your help Heavenly Father,  I know I can help your kingdom grow.  

It is your kingdom.  We are your children.  This is your work.  I've come across instances where I've seen your hand leading us along.  I'm sorry for straying from the path.  I'm sorry for those moments of weakness when I forget.  When I choose to ignore.  When I turn away from what I know and allow myself to step away.  

Heavenly Father I am yours.  My heart is yours.  My hands are yours.  My mind is yours.  My actions are yours.  

Help me.  Help me to leave the desires,  the selfishness,  the pride.  Help me to make my weaknesses strength.  Help me to want what you want,  do what you would do,  say what you would say.  Every day I am trying.  Trying and failing and trying again.  

I'm sorry.  


One day I will be back in your presence and I hope that I can stand tall.  I hope that I can run into your arms and let you know that it was hard,  but I did my best.  I hope that my best will be enough.

Heavenly Father.

Help me.  


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