My Tightrope Balancing Act.

Isn't it funny how you try to do good,  and then fail?  

Isn't it funny how you think you're making the right decisions,  but you're wrong?  

Isn't it funny how you believe you're a superhero,  saving the world one kitty cat stuck in a tree at a time,  and then after spraining your ankle,  you realize that you're only human?  

Life has a way of humbling us.  Showing us that we are part of a grander plan and that we need to work harder for what it is that we know to be good.  Figuring out what it is that is the best 'good' and putting all of our time and effort into those things.  It is all about balance.

I can't say I'm the most organized person.  I tend to forget things quite easily.  I lose some things and don't understand many others.  I try to do everything myself and want to do everything I want to do.  I have the capacity to do it all-  I am Superwoman.  Or so I think.

I try to run around and do everything,  yet there are some days when all I can do is rip up the hectic schedule and just sit in my sister's living room and play with her puppies.  Some days you have to think of what is really important,  and not what you want to make important.  That is where it gets difficult.

Family.  Friends.  Work.  School.  Callings.  Hobbies.

What does it even mean to be "balanced"?  The word itself isn't even balanced,  is it!

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b.a.a.n. l .c.e.d

b.a.n. l .c.e.d

This is something I've been struggling with lately.  Trying to figure out just how thin I can spread myself.  I have so many things I want to do before I leave and the days just keep speeding by.  I leave in a little over a month.  Family.  Friends.  Work.  School.  Callings.  Hobbies.  Things and people I will be leaving behind as I forget it all and serve my Heavenly Father.

Goodbye and see-you-later.  I might not see you for a few years,  you might be waiting for me as I step off of the plane.  I want to spend so much time with each of you,  yet sometimes it's easier to get lost in being  "busy" rather than accept the fact that I am leaving.  Again.

Time is precious.  I need to learn how to keep it balanced.  


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