Feng Huang, The Phoenix Village

We took a trip to Feng Huang with Golden Focus.  They paid for the bus,  hotel,  and a few meals!  sweet!

The bus ride was one I wouldn't jump to repeat.  Six hours isn't bad for a bus ride when its filled with the right people.  We were lucky enough to be traveling with our coworkers:)  It was like a chinese tv show on wheels-  games and kareokee included.  As I tried to zone everyone out with my nook (best birthday present ever!)  All I could think was "Why are they so loud???"

haha.  it was actually really nice because we got to hang out as coworkers which never happens.  why?  i don't exactly know,  its hard to really talk to the Chinese teachers.  not only is there the language barrier,  but we're actually very...  different.

Mei guan shi.  We had fun the first night,  walked along the river and tried to find a bar that we all agreed upon.  That was an adventure in and of itself.  We ended failing at finding a bar to satisfy the different tastes of the foreign and local,  so we got distracted by lighting up floating flowers down the river along with a wish:)  love it:)

Ended up sitting outside eating barbecue and playing drinking games.  Thats something the Chinese girsl enjoyed of course,  especially the one where you had to act out different animals... fun!  I lived at home during my college years so i didn't get the whole dorm experience,  but I'm sure I experienced something similar.  If the students were a bunch of chinese girls running from one bedroom to the other,  gambling,  music,  drinks,  alright.  Our bosses decided games of mai jang till the wee hours of the morning would be appropriate for our first night out-  why not?  

Waking up we had noodles for breakfast.  yessss.  noodles.  when in rome... :)  And after our balanced breakfast,  we set out to discover all Feng Huang had to offer us!  Trinkets Galore!!!  I always spend too much on trips,  but I just looooove all the random nick knacks we haggle over.  Its like a game,  haggling.  I'm not the best,  but if I don't speak too much,  sometimes the shopkeeper will assume I'm Chinese and give me a more fair price then to the other foreigners.  

All in all it was nice to get away from ZhuZhou for a while.  Bonded with the Chinese English teachers and took plenty of pictures.  Of course,  the Feng Huang trinkets will gather dust until I return to the US and show everyone,  but what else are they for?  One place I've been in China.  Traditional.  Colorful.  Quaint.  


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