A Sunday In China

Today I got to call a toll free number so that I could go to church! Well, listen to it at least:) I get to call this number and listen to Sacrament and Sunday School over the phone. The Branch covers a large portion of China and I'm the only member in ZhuZhou as far as I know, but it felt so good knowing that I'm not alone in this big ol country! That even though I'm on the opposite side of the WORLD my family will be listening to the same Sunday School Lesson on the Book of Mormon in twelve hours when they go to church.

You would think it would be hard to pay attention, listening for those few hours over the phone, but oh its not. Its like going to the temple after not being inside one for a long time -or eating ice cream after going on a diet haha- I loved it! Listening to the words I know my Heavenly Father wanted me to hear... Everything seems so real now that I'm working harder to keep my testimony firm. All my past trials and decisions have helped in making me the person that I am today. However weak and hesitant I am, I'm trying to become the person I need to be to keep moving on:)

Allow me to indulge myself and remind you guys what a blessing it is to take the sacrament! I can't since I don't have a preisthood holder here in ZhuZhou, but the branch president said to remember the covenants I have made with my Heavenly Father- the promises I promised when I got babtized- because what is a piece of bread if you don't intend on remembering Him and acting as a witness of Him always? It is difficult knowing that I am so far away from the Gospel I have held so close to my heart, but oh it is that much sweeter now that its not just a simple comodity as it is in Utah.

I miss you all so much. Its like I forgot half of my soul in Utah! I don't regret my decision in coming to China, there is a reason that I am here beyond just teaching English. I intend on finding that reason and finding myself while I am at it. Each day is a new adventure here... each encounter a new lesson. Believe me when I say the gospel is true and that our Heavenly Father listens to our prayers! I know that even though I am the only one with my particular beliefs in this area, there are so many good people here on this earth and God loves each and every one of His children. He really does, and I thank Him every day for keeping me safe & giving me another opportunity to grow and learn on this adventure called life.

This is my Sunday here in China. I'll blog soon about my other adventures here- just had to share my thoughts and feelings this wonderful sabbath day:)

Con Amor,
Su Hija, Hermana, y Amiga

Diana Linay:)


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