Lost my necklace to the sea... .. .

Its a bit silly really,
I shouldn't be so upset about it.
But alas, I am.

I lost my necklace to the sea.
Yup. The sea took it away from me.

THE necklace. MY necklace.

Anyone who has seen me in the past three years knows the necklace of which I speak:
The one that never ever comes off unless I'm in the Temple.
The one that matches my sisters necklaces.
The one that meant more to me than I realized until I lost it.
The one that made me feel close to the ones I love and miss.
The one that I now reach for out of pure habit... and is now gone.

At least I lost my neclace to such a formidable opponent. If anyone were to take it from me I would insist it be a great force such as the sea. This specific sea being along the beaches of Sanya, Hainan, China. There is a saying on the island that it is "the end of heaven and the end of the sea" Of course, the Chinese would consider China "heaven", but as I write this lament I'll have to leave my neclace be... along the edge of "Heaven and the Sea"

Sounds appropriate for a lost treasure no?
And a lost treasure it is.



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