humildemente somos re buenos!

random IM conversation w/ my buddy Andres!

so im writing but im kinda stuck wanna help?

go for it-

it's close to a new day
and this one was pretty much like the one before
and nothing new
like the week before

going thru the motions
going thru the days
like life was eternal
forgetting that everyday
gets me closer to the end..

and im just waiting for you
to put the spice
the difference
in this endless circle called life

am i ready?
who knows
we'll see

we'll see where i go,
what i do,
when we'll be
we'll just see when there is color,
in this great grey sea

i like it
in this great grey sea
full of water i cant drink
full of motion that keeps me still
and winds that want to blow me off my way

amidst the wind and the waves
i might get lost...
a bit afraid...
but when i know there is no where left to go...
i might just see a lighthouse....
a soft but steady glow...

a soft steady glow...
ever present...
a small light of hope...
letting me know i can make it...
just hold on and you'll see it thru...
just wait happiness awaits...

does it ever happen to you that youre writing about love n hope n happines n you end up somehow writing about God... or so it starts to sound like it

and wait and wait and wait.
steering through the mayhem and madness.
past the dark
and grey
and gloom.
(haha yes. its all mixed together isn't it?)
and one day we will be together.
oh how i hope that that day comes soon!

i likes it dianis

yep. we're amazing! XD

haha ya
humildemente somos re buenos!


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