and so the child becomes the parent?

she ran to me. to my arms. wrapped her arms around my neck and shed a tear on my shoulder.

when were the roles switched? i didn't receive a new script. no one gave my lines to follow or advice on how to become the provider, the caregiver. I was not sent to hair and make-up. Not even a heads-up, "hey, get your act together because we need more from you than what you can give"

hey, your dad is leaving on september 15th...

hey, your brothers and sisters are going to act out and cause utter mayhem.....

hey, your going to fail all your classes.......

hey, your going to be alone.........

hey, your mom is going to need your shoulder to cry on...........

hey, hey you.

wake up and smell the roses because life sucks.
ps: the roses are fake.

this sucks.


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