Return With Honor.

So I'm back in Utah.

Seems like a pattern.  Leave for a China,  come back.  Leave for Japan,  and then come back again.  Always saying goodbye.  Not being able to make long term decisions because my life isn't permanently stationed in one place for more than a year.

I am home so that I can fix things.  Fix my self physically,  mentally,  emotionally,  everything.  I'm here to make myself better so that I could serve my Father in Heaven,  so that I could serve my brothers and sisters in Japan with all of my heart,  might,  mind,  and strength.

This is the hardest thing I've ever had to do.  The confused looks in my siblings eyes as we met in the airport.  I've discovered what it means to truly be loved.  They love me even though I felt I let them down.  I've always tried to be a hard working example for others and that is the real reason why I'm back.

I'm back because I know that I'm supposed to be in Utah.  I know that Heavenly Father loves me very much.  That is why He is giving me this time,  to give me the best chance at becoming who He needs me to be.

I thought I knew what it meant to be converted.  I thought I knew what it meant to love.  I thought I knew what true sorrow and true happiness was,  but then I went on a mission.  I left and gave everything I could.  I worked hard.  I was exactly obedient.  I had faith in my Heavenly Father and now I am taking it to the next level and am giving Him everything.

I will give everything.

Christ asks us to give EVERYTHING and follow Him.

I am here for a reason.  I can't believe that the reason is solely for me to get better.  Nah,  where would be the fun in that?  I'm here in Utah!  The place where I will always come back to,  no matter how far I travel.  I am in Utah,  I am at home.  I am with my family,  my friends.  I am here to try.

I am here because I love my God and I know that He loves me.  I know that people can change.  I know that the atonement is real.  I know that Joseph Smith truly saw Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.  I know that there is an eternal plan of happiness and the only way to be with our loved ones for forever is through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is what brings me pure joy.
I know that God loves His children.
I know life is hard.

I know if I continue giving everything I can I'll see my Savior again and be able to thank Him.

So welcome home to me.  :)


  1. Truly amazing. I can sense your testimony has grown since we last spoke. I hope you did as I did on my own mission instead of counting down the days you made each day count. You didn't come back early but you couldn't do anything more than what the lord needed you to do. Exept Retun With Honor. Thank you for your time, effort and sacrifices.


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