Precious Power- Why Plead Purple?

I didn't see anyone in purple yesterday.

Granted,  we were at a Stake Center instead of the Conference Center,  but that's just it isn't it?  I wasn't in China or Japan,  not in Mexico or Guatemala-  I was in Kearns with four of my sisters.  As other women gathered with their mothers,  aunts,  friends,  cousins,  sisters all over the world-  we were united.  We are sisters.  We are God's Daughters.

Somos hijas de un Padre Celestial que nos ama y nosotras lo amamos a Él.
We are daughters of our Heavenly Father, who loves us, and we love Him.

A daughter in His Kingdom...  Precious.  Faithful.  Beloved.  

I used to not know what it meant to be a "Daughter of God".  I didn't know what they meant when they talked about "divinity".  I didn't know what my potential as a virtuous woman could actually be.  I didn't know what my precious power was,  so I denied it.  

I didn't want to get married.  What was love,  but an excuse to hurt others?  
I dated the wrong kind of boys for who would respect someone who didn't respect herself?  
I denied working on my Personal Progress because I just didn't see the need.  

And then one day my companion and I made our way from our apartment to the Yamato church building.  I was in a skirt on a mountain bike.  I had just read my scriptures and studied Japanese.  As we flew down the hill I admired the gorgeous sky as was habit and it just hit me.  Heavenly Father loves His Sister Missionaries.  What???  He loves us?  

There is a God out there that cares about me?  Someone who understands my trials?  He who is all-powerful,  all-knowing,  merciful,  caring,  MY FATHER LOVES ME?  

I who made mistakes.  No but for reals,  me.  I who made His Son suffer in Gethsemane?  He is aware of my needs?  I who have failed Him so many times can actually be healed through the atonement of Jesus Christ?  That was the moment.  That was the moment I finally figured out that I was a Daughter of God.  A glance at the sky and I knew.  

I knew that love and priesthood exist so that we can serve others.  I knew that we have a Savior to save us all.  I knew that sometimes we don't know how truly loved we really are until we need Him and when we finally give everything to our Father and try to become the divine daughters and sons He knows we can be-  ah,  that is what this life is about.  

So I didn't wear purple yesterday.  I wore flowers.  

Because flowers make me happy.  And so does knowing that I am a Daughter of God.  


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