
Showing posts from September, 2014

Dear Sisters,

I never did my Personal Progress as a Young Woman.  I graduated at 16 and didn't think a grown-up college student needed a medallion to put a label on her progression. I was sooooooo smart back then,  and yet it has taken me these six years since graduating to finally discover the most important fact I could learn.  The fact that I am a Daughter of God.  If I could go back to little me and give myself one piece of knowledge it would be that-  the surety that comes with knowing who I am,  where I came from,  and where I am going. I wish I could give you the same knowledge.  I wish I could wrap my arms around you and somehow have you feel absence of a once existing pain that has been healed by our Father through our Savior.  I wish I could make you realize that He is real.  He is there for you.  He loves you.  He will guide you.  You are His Daughter!  If there was some way to help you see that you deserve everything this world has to offer and more. You deserve to be loved.  Y