The Book of Mormon Another Testament of Jesus Christ

On Sunday,  August 12, 2013 we watched Elder Bednar's talk: The Character of Christ in the MTC.  He invited all to start reading The Book of Mormon whilst studying a certain topic and focusing on that topic only.  After reading the whole book and learning about that subject specifically,  he asked us to write a summary about what we learned.  I just finished reading about my selected topic,  The Atonement of Jesus Christ.  

Moroni 8:8 States that Christ is not here to bring the saints unto repentance,  but the sinners.  Who are the sinners?  Us.  Those of us who are trying to move forward,  but are stuck without the bridge between mortality and eternal life,  Jesus Christ.  And Jesus answering said unto them, They that are whole need not a physician; but they that are sick. (Luke 5:31)  We are all a little bit broken inside.  We are all in need of our Physician,  our Savior,  our Older Brother Jesus Christ.

The Atonement is the real power of the Savior of the World.  The Atonement is simply us mortals choosing to have faith enough to ask for His healing,  receiving it,  and using it for the rest of our lives to move towards eternal life.  Whether it be faith enough to repent,  faith enough to forgive,  faith enough to endure,  He comes in with the Atonement and BOOM-  helps us through it all.

毎日.  Every day.  We need it every day.  This week I've repented of my mistakes and I can think of a few things just this morning that I could have done better as well.  The atonement doesn't just come in during the times of trials and pain,  but it is an every day path towards God.  Every moment,  every thought,  every action.  毎日.

Our hearts.  Our souls.  Our minds.  Our hands.  Our hearts need to be filled with it so that we can love like our Savior.  Our souls need the power of it so that we can endure until the end.  Our minds need the guidance of it so that we may choose the more difficult path.  Our hands need the atonement so that we may help others come unto Christ.

Eternity.  That's why.  Families together forever.  Eternal joy.  Peace from the pains of the world and being able to return to our Father in Heaven.  Jesus Christ's atonement brings love and eternity and that is something I want more than anything.  Because God loves His children and we are all His sons and daughters.

Through faith.  Through action.  Through stepping forward and saying "Dear God,  I am here.  Heal me."  And He will,  be cause He loves us.  Through the atonement of Jesus Christ,  we can be healed.  I testify that through the atonement,  it will all be okay.

Reading The Book of Mormon has changed my life.  Studying its pages,  trying to understand the words of our Prophets,  and receiving answers to my prayers has brought me joy.  I know that Joseph Smith saw Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ because God loves His children and wants us to have guidance in our lives.

I know that this is true because I have felt the Spirit testify to me of such.  No matter what language I read it in.  No matter where I am in the world o que estoy enfrentando en mi vida,  I know that The Atonement is ever reaching,  ever healing,  and ever lasting.  I know that because a young boy once saw Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father.  He said,  in his own words:

I saw a pillar of light exactly over my head, above the brightness of the sun, which descended gradually until it fell upon me.  When the light rested upon me I saw two Personages, whose brightness and glory defy all description,standing above me in the air. One of them spake unto me, calling me by name and said, pointing to the other—This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!  (Joseph Smith History 1:16-17)
わたし​は​ぶん​の​うえ​に、​太陽たいよう​の​かがやき​に​も​まさって​かがやいて​いる​​ひかり​の​はしら​を​た。そして、その​ひかり​の​はしら​は​だい​に​りて​て、ひかり​は​ついに​わたし​に​そそいだ。 そして、その​ひかり​が​わたし​の​うえ​に​とどまった​とき、わたし​は​ひっ​に​くし​がたい​かがやき​と​​えいこう​を​つ​​ふた​の​かた​が​わたし​の​うえ​の​くうちゅう​に​って​おられる​の​を​​た。すると、その​うち​の​ひとかた​が​わたし​に​かたりかけ、わたし​の​​を​び、べつ​の​かた​を​して、「これ​は​わたし​の​​あいする​​​で​ある。かれ​に​き​なさい」と​われた。(ジョセフ・​スミス​の​れき史)
Vi una columna de luz, más brillante que el sol, directamente arriba de mi cabeza; y esta luz gradualmente descendió hasta descansar sobre mí.  Al reposar sobre mí la luz, vi en el aire arriba de mí a dos Personajes, cuyo fulgor y gloria no admiten descripción. Uno de ellos me habló, llamándome por mi nombre, y dijo, señalando al otro: Éste es mi Hijo Amado: ¡Escúchalo!  (José Smith-Historia 1:16-17)

It is true.  For ever and ever.  The Book of Mormon is the word of God.  

In the name of Jesus Christ,  amen.  
Diana Leaney López Ruano


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