silly me

Decided I'm going to start blogging again.  Nothing really stopped me from doing so,  I just haven't.

So here we go...

You know how i'm sort of forgetful?  Well yesterday I locked myself out of my apartment!  Ahhh...  No big deal,  I just went upstairs to work and got the spare key to let myself back in.  Problem solved.

After class however...  I went back home,  got ready for a night out,  left my apartment,  arrived at the pool hall and guess what???  Yeah,  I remembered that I left both the spare key aaaaaaaaand my key in my apartment!  Big deal?  A very big deal.

So I got on with the night and after a few embarrassing calls along the lines of "Hi boss,  I'm irresponsible!"  determined that figuring it out in the morning would have to be the way to go.  gahhhhhhhhhhhhhh...  hakuna matata and had a good time dancing anyways:)

Spent the night at the Lovely Gema's apartment:)  After a bowl of cereal and hours of girl talk before bed I was reminded so much of nights out with my older sister-  they were some good times and so was chatting until neither of us could keep our voices going on...  Thank you Gema!!!


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