Chinese New Year:)
Chinese New Year, also known as Spring Festival. Everyone gets time off work and travels to their hometowns to visit family, but considering my family is thousands of miles away, I pretty much went on vacation after only being in China for a little over a month:) Sweet!
We made a last minute decision to travel as far down south as possible- to try and get away from the biting cold that is ZhuZhou. How I miss seeing blue skys and gorgeous sunsets! All I see around me is grey... grey buildings... grey sky... grey smoke from the dude smoking next to me... grey! Sunny Sanya, Hainan was our destination and I could hardly wait to shed the layers and layers and layers of clothing needed to stay warm (indoors and outdoors) in ZhuZhou:)

We made a last minute decision to travel as far down south as possible- to try and get away from the biting cold that is ZhuZhou. How I miss seeing blue skys and gorgeous sunsets! All I see around me is grey... grey buildings... grey sky... grey smoke from the dude smoking next to me... grey! Sunny Sanya, Hainan was our destination and I could hardly wait to shed the layers and layers and layers of clothing needed to stay warm (indoors and outdoors) in ZhuZhou:)
These two blokes were my travel buddies! We'll call them England #1 and England #2 for the time being shall we?;) We all teach at the same tutoring school and had less than half of the vacation time as the other teachers in our city who were all long gone by the time our vacation started- so it was me and the guys!
Arriving in Sanya was the best thing that has happened since I got to China haha- SUN!!! I could actually see the sun instead of the grey sheet that is the smoggy sky here!
Fire works were the second best thing! Just like in Guatemala when we lit firecrackers on the beach at all hours of the night- nothing changes.
I love the environment on the island. I could live here. Forever. Its so chill, people walking around in shorts and flip flops, none of the over exaggeration that are the busy streets of ZhuZhou. Just people, chilling on the beach.
Definitively enjoyed meeting lots of other foreigners. Its funny how if we were in another situation we may have not even noticed each other, but since we were all foreigners in China together, we became the best of friends during our time in Sanya:)
And so we spent our days on the beach:) Not a care in the world other then what western food will we eat tonight? and where will we party afterwards? Wake up, get ready for the long hard day ahead of me (not), go to the beach and switch from water, sand, food, book, camera at leisure... ohhhhhhhh how I love the beach!!!:)
Searching for seashells, taking pictures with Chinese people when they asked us to, volleyball, mangoes and coconuts, laying out in the sun and just being in Sanya, Hainan, China:) ILML:)
There is a saying on the island that it is "the end of heaven and the end of the sea" Of course, the Chinese would consider China "heaven", but I really did enjoy my time in Sanya. Definitively an adventure worth repeating- when can we go to the beach again?!??:)
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