The Flight!

Welcome! If you are reading this you may well know that I will be spending the next nine months in the Hunan Province of China. Yup. CHINA! Why you may ask? Would a twenty year old with a job, school, friends, family, everything in Utah get up and leave? Well we'll just have to discover that little by little. All I know is that I felt it was right for me to take up this English Teacher position. And so I have!

Take a look into my thoughts and feelings as I fly halfway around the world on my new adventure:) Alone & without a lick of Mandarin in this brain of mine...!

FROM SLC TO LA 12.22.11 @ 4:25PM

(as we sit waiting for take-off)
"Good bye my mountains... how I will miss thee..."
"who on earth would fly to China alone?! Ay Dianita, what did you get yourself into?"

(after take-off)
So this is what heaven would look like. Flying. Above the clouds. Straight into the golden sunrise... Oh this was a gift in and of itself! Just the flight alone- I can't stop looking out of the window- oh the beauty that surrounds each and every one of us!

I can completely understand why Elder Uchdorf is such an inspired man- being in the clouds and literally FLYING! I'm sure it would inspire even the hardest of hearts:)

All those who have ridden in a car with me know I spend most of the time staring out the window... at the clouds... the mountains... This flight was such a blessing because not only did I get a window seat, but I got to experience a sunrise from the horizon line- above the clouds!


Nope no free wifi. And i don't have a clock to see what time it is. Dear Diana, remember back in the day when we all wandered around without cell phones? Well for future reference, do not travel without the internet! haha its amazing just how dependent we have become on technology.... but oh! I am dying to let my mom know I'm okay- she's probably freaking out.

Stalker Status. haha I'm such a people watcher. Probably look odd to those asian families around me- all together whit their loved ones. and where am I? Sitting alone- scratching away. I miss them already... each and every one of those that I love. What am I doing? Leaving them... Leaving home... Going on this adventure that I feel is right for me, but I'm scared. So very scared. uhhhhhhh IDK if I'm ready for this...


Todo esta en Chino. O por lo menos en symbolos que NO ENTIENDO. Todos me miran como decir, "y easta que?" haha I guess I do stick out like a sore thumb in my awesome new bright yellow coat. Eh, otra aventura:)

Ya me duelen los pies por tener los mismos zapatos puestos todo el dia. Pero me gusto andar caminando por el aeropuerto de LA porque era sumamente grande y me encantan los lugares en que se puede perder por todas las distraciones al rededor de uno.

Tanta gente! Y tantas idiomas differentes! Es halgo raro para mi no poder entender las palabras que dicen. Los sonidos son differentes y siento como que estoy en una planeta extraña...


I don't even know what time it is, but the awesome system installed on the back of the seat in front of me says we have 4hrs till we land in Hong Kong. Crazy! So here I am- sleeping on and off and exchanging those quick naps for listening and watching Chinese movies and music. I should re-phrase that. I selected "Mandarin" after all. Maybe some of the language will soak in before I land lol.


The food wasn't too bad- I got salmon for dinner and an omelet for breakfast. I miss cholula sauce- should have brought some with me! Even with the good food, I ate one of the granola bars I brought along. A familiar taste in an unfamiliar environment. PS: I asked the male flight attendant for water & he looked at me as if I had offended him. So what? I can ask the girls for attendance, but not the male? Confused.


I told the school the wrong day! OhMyGoodness I told them Thursday and I have all my days mixed up and I'm arriving on FRIDAY at 7:10 not Thursday! Oh I hope Mr David who is supposed to be picking me up read my flight confirmation email and not my mistaken opinion of time. Gaaaaahhhhhh. ooops.


And we have WIFI! woot woot! So far I have felt completely safe on this adventure, scared out of my wits, but safe. I am so very thankful for my Heavenly Father for this protection and I wanted to share a quick story of a guardian angel He sent without me even asking for one:)

I got the window seat headed from SLC to LA and got to sit next right next a Philipino man that was traveling for business. I have to remember not to be so open with strangers, but we chatted about where I was going and after the flight he personally carried my insanely heavy check in bag all the way from the plane- to the shuttle- to the right check in station- even stood in line with me for a bit to make sure it was completely the right spot before leaving me. A guardian angel. I am sure he had other things to do with it being so close to Christmas, but I am also sure that I would have been so lost without him guiding me. (because as Denise Cid would seccond, I have no sense of direction whatsoever!!!)

So My fears are limitless and the farther I travel, the more questions and fears come! Yet I need not be afraid. I know I am being watched over and I can only pray that I listen to the spirit so that I may be guided through this adventure:)

I'll post again soon enough. Safe, full, and ready for the next step of this flight. I love you and miss you all!!!


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