First Week In China:)

I am dumbfounded by the change in every single aspect of my life. Discovering new things about myself that only someone lost and confused and trying to find their way in a huge foreign land could discover. Arrived in ZhuZhou a little over a week ago and each day holds so many new experiences that I feel that I have been here for much longer. Still getting over the culture shock so please don't find offense in what I write, I'm telling it how I see it. Every noise and smell, the words, the actions, the people, the weather- each a new adventure (some not as pleasant as others...) CULTURE SHOCK- WTFREAK?! One of the other foreign teachers in the city said that as long as you are aware of 2 things going in, you won't be as shocked when you get to China. Yup. Wish I had been aware of them before I came lol. #1: squat toilets. Yes, you heard me. Need I say more? Good, cuz I won't. XD #2: No Personal Space. Whatsoever. Its insane- there is absolutely...