With love, God.

This is what I needed God to tell me today.

This is happening so that you can learn that you are enough.  This time.  This place.  This moment.  It was all designed so that you can learn that you are everything you need to be right now.  Nothing more, nothing less.

Progress can be measured in so many ways.  My Daughter, know that I am God and that I know you.  Know that this too will be only a short while.  Your tears are ever flowing, but you're being molded into a deep river of powerful current that will not be stopped.  You do not know my plan for you.

You just don't.  You don't know the grandeur of my plan, you only see what is in front of you.  Have I not shown you my love on so many occasions?  Have I not protected you, helped you, and comforted you when you needed it?

Don't you know that I am here?  Don't you know that I am God?  Don't you see, see the joy that is to come if you just hold on a little while longer.  My daughter, I would never leave you.  I would never cease to be your God and I will never allow for you to suffer more than is absolutely necessary.  Your prayers are heard.

My darling child, I am here.  Do you see me?  Do you hear me?  Do you recognize me in the laughter of your niece, the hugs shared between friends.  When have I ever forsaken you?  When have I ever let you down?  No.  I could never abandon my child.

Please, listen to me.  Know that I am God and that I hear you.  I know your darkest moments and I love you all the same.  You are not alone.  You never were.  Your weakness encompasses you, it suffocates you.  I see it, I know your pain for I have felt it too.  I know your sorrows for they are my own.  Don't you think that I am doing my best to help you come back to me?

I miss you too.  I am your Father.  I am here, waiting.  Your children are here with me, your nephew, your tio, your primo, your abuelo, we're all here.  We love you.  We need you to make the right decisions so that we can be together again, forever.  Eternity is waiting for you my child.

I know it hurts to breath.  I know it hurts to endure.  I see my children suffer as they hurt each other.  It is not easy on the weak.  It is not simple for the hurt, for the discriminated, for the judged or the abused.  It's not.  I'm sorry.

I promise you that am here.  I do listen.  I will keep loving every single one of you while doing everything that I can to bring you home, but you have to choose.  You have to choose to be patient.  You have to choose to stand alone.  You have to choose to repent.  You have to choose to let go of the pain and allow for my Son to heal you.  I can't make that decision for you or else I would not be God.

My child, please.  Please have patience with your brothers and sisters.  Please try to understand that everyone is going through the hardest thing they can handle right now.  Love each other.  Just play nice.  Help each other, be friends.  Standing as a witness does not mean you stand alone.

Know that I love you.

Know that I am with you.

I am on your side and with me, you will not fail.

Relax... just breath.

Te amo.  Hija mia.  Bella princessa.  Eres todo para mi porque yo soy tu Dios que te fortalezco.  No te desanimes, solo respire profundo porque todo va estar bien.

Con amor,
Your Father in Heaven


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