Motherhood for a childless divorcee

Most of my close friends have babies. Its a thing. The oldest of their children is nine. The youngest less than a year. Me? I'm divorced and have no offspring. Right, now that we've gotten that out of the way, let me tell you all about being a mom. We are planning a girls trip cruise to Ensenada and I just sit in the background of the group chat waiting for my mom friends to find babysitters or sort things out with their husbands. When asked for my opinion on dates my response is, "I don't have kids so you guys let me know what works for you and we'll do that." My schedule is wiiiiide open. Including my nights. I don't get woken up multiple times a night to comfort a hungry or grumpy child. I can sleep, or stay up- it is all on me. (woot woot) At my friend's kids' princess/prince birthday party I "borrowed" my niece in order to feel like I had a purpose to be there. Her mom was there too so ...