Tio Paco

A father. A husband. A follower of God. A coach. A leader. A servant without applaud. An uncle. A brother. A counselor. A light. An example and friend. Tio Paco A man is not measured by how extravagant and costly his house is, but by the feeling inside of the walls he provided. When he reaches heaven, angels will measure the kinds words spoken, the goals made and achieved, the teachings given and lessons learned under the roof of his home, none of which can be measured monetarily. A man is not measured by his titles of power, but the magnified humble titles of father, husband, friend, uncle... Tio Paco I miss you. My uncle passed away on Monday and as we gathered in his home to be with family I was subconsciously looking for the peace I had felt there many times before. I found it. I enter...