I am so smart! S-M-R-T

Intelligent people discussing intelligent things.

"What I'm saying is..."
"They should have..."
"The problem is..."

The problem is that everyone speaks without saying anything.

Different opinions.
Different languages.
Different demographics.

Everyone trying to prove to the other that they think and are different.

Arms crossed,  "I am sure,  I am powerful."
Legs crossed,  "I am comfortable and will defend."
Fingers crossed,  "I am loud,  therefore I am right."

Louder.  Show them that you are unafraid.
Louder.  Make them understand your truth.
Louder!  They can't hear you over your actions.

Listen,  for everything depends on us learning from the other.
The louder they yell,  the harder it is to hear their hearts.
The more they post,  the more they blog,  the more they share.

The more we will hear intelligent people discussing intelligent things.


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