Forgive Me.

Forgive me and my yearning heart. Forgive me and my burning emptiness. Forgive me for having this song on repeat Once, Falling Slowly since I arrived at work today at noon. Let me play it one more time. Forgive me for I'm emotionally unstable today and may just flirt with a stranger shamelessly. In order to show that I am independent and need no one. That I am strong. That I am happy. That we were nothing. That I do not miss you. Forgive me, love, because I miss you more today than any day before. I miss your hat, your accent, your smell. I wish you were here as I spin around my room. In that careless way you loved to watch. Shining that glow of letting go and then taking your hand to pull me back to earth. I wish you were here as I don my stilettos because I can't reach the sky without a few extra inch...