As Wise as a Fortune Cookie

Have ten months passed by already?  Has it been six months since last General Conference?  One year since Irina & Sergio's wedding?  Time flies,  yet somehow it creeps along and sneaks up on you when you least expect it.  I've been waiting for this day to come,  the day I leave China,  yet now that its only twenty-two days away I don't know if I'm ready for it.  Am I ready to say goodbye to my second home?  The only other place I've more than merely traveled to besides Utah? 

Am I ready to say goodbye to those who have influenced my life in so many ways?  Those who have taught me more than I could ever teach my students...

Gemma taught me how to love myself and that "Its okay to be different!"  She taught me to be strong. 

Claire reminded me to be a child and embrace glitter again:)

Andy showed me what English Gentlemen are made of! 

Adam taught me how to spin around like no one is watching!

Cat demonstrated how to reach out to everyone,  how to take charge,  and that what doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.

Gabriel taught me how to speak properly.  He taught me that real frienship is about late night conversations and seeing people for what makes them special. 

Franzy taught me to embrace the pink in every girl,  and the ice cream,  thank you!

Sammy showed me that people are good inside & how to not be completely horrible at pool. 

Elias taught me to embrace all cultures & that listening to a foreign language will make any ear happy. 

Tamsin showed me how to follow my plan & that strength does not depend on age.   

Jessen taught me to wear more layers in the cold and the difference between a cappuchino and a latte. 

Stacey taught me to have patience,  love,  and dedication to one's family and friends,  even if its not what you'd rather be doing at the time. 

Steven reminded me that we are all people;  we have our own ideas and assumptions.  Yet sometimes those things make sense in our heads,  are wrong. 

Mark showed me what LOTR is supposed to sound like.  and that McDonalds is not to be called MikyDees unless one is okay with eating fries and ice cream together. 

Morgane taught me to live,  to travel,  and to take as many pictures as possible!

Alex A taught me that people see the beauty in being different.

Bianca helped me to want a happily ever after someday & that sometimes its okay to cater to myself:)

Nora knew that possesions hardly mean anything.  She reminded me to recognize what is really important in life. 

Czech Martin demonstrated that a man can be a man,  even on a yellow scooter!

German Martin proved that love follows you and finds you,  if it is meant to be. 

Jerret taught me that words are powerful. 

Larissa reminded me that we represent who we are and where we come from when we travel,  and always. 

Shazer taught me how to play fifa and how to work hard at your relationships,  porque el amor no conoce tiempo ni distancia. 

Brian taught me that sometimes you need to be a little uncomfortable,  if it means better results,  just like wearing two layers of shirts:)

Peter proved that we're not all that different from one another.  He taught me that one's home and culture never really leave you,  if you hold it dear. 

Jessica taught me that being sweet is a good thing. 

Edival showed me how to put 110% into my work. 

Linda  helped me realize that I have time to grow up and make mistakes,  but I need to keep my goals in mind and my future in sight. 

Nick 88 taught me that even though people might see you with one opinion,  you can always surprise them. 

Shaz reminded me of just how lucky I am to be a Latina and to embrace my heritage. 

Patrick taught me that people do know what "real" mexican food is,  not that grimy stuff with cheese they try to pull of at taco bell. 

Jacob reminded me of how beautiful our city is and to capture the moment. 

Alicia exemplified that its okay to stand up for what one believes in,  even if it is different then the norm. 

Sarah W proved that friends don't need to be in close proximity,  because friendships can pick up right where they were left off. 

Brianne reminded me that we're all in it together,  sometimes searching for who we are and where we are going,  and thats okay. 

Jonathan taught me how to go looking for an adventure,  and how to embrace it once it is found. 

Cait taught me to keep working on myself,  because we're all progressing,  little by little,  just like a bike ride. 

Tiana proved that people do get out of Utah,  stereotypes are meant to be broken.

Lindsey taught me to dance in the moment,  and that its okay to need help sometimes because there will always be someone who cares. 

Callum taught me to have faith in love and that I must always embrace the nerd inside me.  Always. 

Aditi showed me that its okay to stay home once in a while,  because home is where you are in that moment,  even if your heart is somewhere else. 

Josh taught me to demonstrate love;  it might seem unnecessary,  but a single rose recieved out of the blue is priceless.

Andrew showed me how to re-discover something that is always there,  all around,  yet unseen. 

Shona taught me that we can't accept things that are wrong,  that we need to fight until it is fixed. 

Andrea taught me to take people into our hearts,  doesn't matter how long you've known someone,  they have made an impact on you. 

Daniel taught me that I should be be knowledgeable about both sides of a debate. 

Ben taught me that friends do things for each other and with each other,  because you always need someone to help you along. 

Sandy taught me that beauty is an opinion.  That everyone is beautiful in their own way and to their own person that finds them beautiful. 

Tim taught me to laugh in any situation,  no matter how awkward your friends make it.

Alex W showed that we're all looking for a little peace,  and that peace can be found in the most unlikely places,  like the 18th floor of wanfujing. 

Sarah M proved that no matter where we grew up,  90's kids had the best childhoods!

Leo helped me build a tunnel through the brick wall around my heart. 

Carl taught me that a name is important. 

Jess taught me how special a thoughtful gift can be. 

Lucas taught me that we can find music in dreary places,  but its better if you make your own music and carry it around with you. 

Dineu taught me how to say sorry.  He helped me realize what a man should and shouldn't do. 

Lauren affirmed that it is okay to be prepared and to have plenty of vitamins and bandaids handy.

and I thought I was the one hired to be a teacher. 


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