Priesthood Power

What I wouldn't give for a priesthood blessing right now.

That moment when you feel alone/tired/ashamed/confused/empty/helpless and you wish you could feel the power of the priesthood?  When you wish that all the distractions and soul pollutions could be swept away by the power of God on earth?  That moment when you realize just how much you're missing by not being able to partake of the sacrament each week,  or feel a blessing.  A father's blessing.

Yes,  I have daddy issues.  He wasn't the man I thought he was,  but he's still my father.  He messed up.  He walked away.  Yet when I left for China HE was the one that gave me the priesthood blessing that sent me on my way,  not anyone else,  my father.


Steven's birthday is on Friday.  Seventeen.  Two more years and he'll be eligible to serve our Heavenly Father on a full time mission.  Wow.  That kid.  One of the most gentle souls I know.  I could be in the worst mood,  angry at life.  I could be scared for my life,  and he would know just what to say...  another man with the power of the priesthood.


I miss it to say the least.  I miss knowing and living among worthy priesthood holders.  I miss good friends with good intentions.  I miss feeling the love of the Savior in the hearts of those men who not only knew their power,  but used it.

I'm not saying that there aren't any good guys in China.  Quite the opposite in fact.  There are people without the gospel in their lives that live in a manner that shows such peace and love that any priesthood holder could take a lesson from.  but ohh i miss it.  I miss it all.  I miss temples and firesides,  i miss family home evenings and institute.  I miss belonging to a group of saints,  I miss not being alone.


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