Ten Months in CHINA:)

I can't believe its really happening! I'm going to Hunan, China to teach English at a University! Is this possible? Is it for real? I can't believe I'm doing it, but I AM GOING TO CHINA!!!

I'm so excited, scared, nervous, ecstatic! Farthest from Salt Lake I have been is Guatemala, which is far, but its not another continent! Longest time away from home have been the weeks attending girls camp and various vacations here and there, but it doesn't compare to ten months.

Ten months! Ten months away from home, away from my mom and brothers and sisters. Ten months in a different culture, a different world! Ten months eating funky foods, learning customs and traditions from a people I know hardly anything about. Ten months fending for myself physically, spiritually, and emotionally. . . . ten months!

But this is it, my adventure. I'll cherish these next ten months forever. I'll learn and grow and hopefully be a good teacher as well:) Ten months to discover more about me and then, when I'm done, I'll be serving my Heavenly Father for eighteen months!

So the good-byes that are soon to come may be 'good bye forever'. Not that I'm never coming back, but by the time I am done with this adventure and my mission? Home will be different. Salt Lake will be different. My friends and family will all be different.

And so here are ten things I want to do before I leave (yes, most of them involve FOOD haha). In no particular order, ten things that I will remember forever as my last ten Utah adventures, at least for the time being:)

1. Eat some Hermana Baires' pupusas- the best I have ever had the pleasure of entering my tummy!

2. Discover a new restaurant with Ofa, he always knows the best places to eat!

3. Perform one last song- idk when or where, but i don't know how many chances i'll get to sing in China lol

4. One last hair makeover with Stacey:) what will I do without you coming up to me every month or so with a new idea to change my head?!??

5. Happy Hour Sushi on Thursdays. Good food, good times, good people:)

6. Go to the Temple at least 10 times. It will be hard being away from The Lord's House for so long, idk how often I'll be able to make it out to Hong Kong, if at all... .. .

7. Snowboarding with my little brother Steven and my Russian buddies- one more day in the mountains. Bring on the adrenaline!

8. Shopping spreee with Tita! Because it always makes us feel better:) ohhmygoodness i'm going to miss that!

9. DANCE! Piratas, Studio, Bailes de La Region- one more night on the town & dance till the wee hours of the morning! (Just when I was getting the hang of salsa dangit! lol)

10. And of course one last IHOP session after dancing the night away! Because its not about the food, but laughing until 5am:)

So wish me luck! I'm going to China!!!!!


  1. Linnnnayyy! OMG! ur such an awesome example! I know for a fact you'll be an aaamaazing teacher..in china AND out on the field to wherever the lord sends you. agh, girl i wish you the best. Love ya!


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