A Sister is a Forever Friend:)

I keep looking over my shoulder to tell you something, but you are not there.

I walk into your room and everything is just how you left it, as if it is waiting for you to come back.

I am trying and trying to be happy for you, you just had the best day of your life!

but i miss you.

My darling older sister, we have gone through so very much together. I enjoy telling people that they messed up in heaven, that we were supposed to be twins. Yet you were sent to this earth 18 months before I and I can't think of anyone who is closer or has been a better example to me.

You are starting a new adventure in this life. The greatest one I know. Together you and Sergio will face the world, with our Heavenly Father's guidance. Tita, I miss you already. I know you are only fifteen minutes away, but it feels like we are on different continents. What if I have another nightmare? I know its childish, but you have always been there for me... in the darkest times of my life you have been there. The strongest person I know.

I don't know who I would be if I didn't have you leading the way. You were there to test each step and make sure the path was safe. Now you are taking on this whole new step and I hope it is everything you wish for and more. If there is anyone in this world that deserves to be happy, its you.

So know that I will ALWAYS be here for you- maybe one day you will need me to be strong for you- and I will be. I love you Tita!

In thee my soul shall own combine the sister and the friend. -Catherine Killgrew


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