and she said, "lets play dress up"

Where did that little girl go?
Where is she? the one who knew who she was, and just how great she could be....

I found her once again today. She woke up inside me, wanting to play.

How i wished there was room for just that, but no, not this grey day.
She ran with me then. and oh how we ran! running and skipping and hopping away.
Right into my mothers arms.

where she whispered into our ears,
"my dear, my love, it will all be okay..."

Ever feel like you are a little kid playing dress up? In a grown up world that has no room for imagination or magic?

- where disney princess stories are deceitful lies of nothing more than a deceiving idea of romance.

- where 'taking a break' means 15 minutes. not a second more.

- where decisions impact you for the rest of forever. and every day more and more decisions come your way.

where all you can do is don your stilettos and hold your head up high.
because there is no such thing as happily ever after in the grown up world.

growing up.

bruises and bumps. mistakes and regrets. but all in all. i get a little bit stronger every day.


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