Dear Santa: My Christmas Wish List

June 4, 2010 at 12:31am
Dear Santa,

I know you're a busy guy, so i'ma give you pleeeeeeenty of time to work on my Christmas List! ((see how thoughtful i am?!??))

I would like:

One yamaha 250 (you can pick the color- i don't mind!)

Background music wherever i walk <3

A trip to France so i can draw with a berett on!

Stilettoes! And lots of them!

The desire to wake up in the morning after coming home at 4am ;D

And last but not least, i would like a someone! A special someone that never lets my desk lack gerber daisies, a perfect dance partner. Someone that is not afraid of bear hugs and giving whats most important,  time.

Thats my Christmas Wish List dear Santa! Can't wait to see you in December!

Diana Linay Lopez Ruano


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