Do you feel so now?

Sometimes I imagine what Mary Magdalene felt like when she gazed at her Master's empty tomb. The loneliness. I also imagine Jesus Christ's appearance there, just waiting for her to realize He had risen. I imagine the moment she realized that He had risen from the dead... .. . Moments I realized that He has risen: * During my baptismal interview. I saw a picture of my Savior and knew that I had faith in him. * During sophomore seminary class with Brother Baker; t here was a painting of Jesus Christ as he prayed in Gethsemane and I felt His love for me. * What I felt when I stood up to bear my testimony about living prophets when President Gordon B Hinckley passed away. * When I was sad and knelt to pray in my old room at my dad's house. I read a scripture and felt peace. I don't remember what it said... * When I learned how much Joseph Smith loved his brother Hyrum and I compared that love to that between my sister Irina and I. It mad...