Christ is the Reason.

Jeremy Barker. Cancer . February 25, 2009 Francisco López. Cancer . June 10, 2009 Tommy Moderno. Suicide . April 15, 2014 Francisco Garcia. Cancer . September 20, 2016 Of death, loss, pain and tears we have all had our fair share. We have lost. We have sinned. We have been broken, beaten, and brought down to the deepest of despairs. We have cried. Oh how we have cried. Each year our trials increase in fierceness. Each year we see the outcome of our actions. Each year we see The Lord's hand in our lives and each year we face trials anew. THIS IS US!!! Trying our hardest to walk tall each day. Trying our best to move forward and overcome our pain yet sometimes, all we can do is call our moms and tell them everything that sucks about life. Sometimes all we can do is receive a hug, s...