This land is your land. This land is my land.

Things that happen in the news should stay on the tv screen. They shouldn't happen in real life. They shouln't happen to you. China and Japan are fighting over some islands. Who the islands really belong to, I'm not sure. Who they should belong to, thats not up to me to decide. I'm not Japanese and I'm not Chinese so I can't speak from a national's perspective. However, as a foreigner witnessing a Chinese mob destroying the building where I live? Pardon the pun, but it hit home . This is where I live, this is where I do my grocery shopping and have lunch with the girls. Completely trashed because it represents something the Chinese are taught to hate. Fighting over land is as old as it gets, yet I don't think these people are really even fighting over land. Its the idea of the Japanese owning something that could be theirs. Its the idea that China is not the gr...